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Canyon Ranch – A Divine Wellness Escape

Canyon Ranch – A Divine Wellness Escape

Canyon Ranch exists to ignite a “well way of life” by providing tools, resources and inspiration to individuals who are intent on achieving lifelong wellness. As the first wellness guidance company of its kind, Canyon Ranch has built a trusted reputation amongst wellness seekers thanks to its long history of providing innovative, evidence-based services that are both reliable and effective.

Unmatched Experience
The Canyon Ranch experience is unmatched in whatever you seek it to be, because it is completely driven by the individual. Personalized services begin from the moment you book your stay. Each guest receives a personal wellness team, including a wellness guide, who conducts a one-on-one consultation with you to determine your intentions for visiting before even arriving on property. Using that information, the team will provide recommendations and expert guidance to help you maximize your stay. You’ll return home feeling empowered to continue on your wellness path, with the tools needed to succeed.

At Your Service
To help guests find what works best for them, Canyon Ranch offers more than 1,500 expert-led services that are categorized into five wellness pillars: health and performance, fitness and movement, mind and spirit, nutrition and food, and spa and beauty. Canyon Ranch also offers bundled experiences called “pathways,” or collections of thoughtfully curated services designed to help guests achieve a specific intention like reconnecting with joy.
Similar to the other departments, the spa experience is very intentional from the services offered to the products used. We believe each experience should be inspired by the guest and we empower our experts to use their creativity and intuition to offer custom services – whether you have a chronic condition or simply seek relaxation.
We are committed to providing personalized care that is constantly evolving to help guests find the solutions they need––when they need them.

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