Travel is back. But will it ever be the same?
My name is Adam Asher. I make documentaries and podcasts that showcase inspiring humanitarian organizations worldwide. I missed travel. I’m glad it’s back. But I hope it’s changed forever.
The pandemic was a dreadfully monumental time.
It affected everything. Regardless of how we may feel about these last couple years and all that came with them, we can agree on this: the pandemic changed our lives.
And it will forever be the point in time that separates the way it once was from the way it is.
The pandemic brought about great fear and frustration. It took loved ones and friends, opportunity and revenue. It damaged our health, our mindset, and our ability to move around. It kept the world from us. And it kept us from each other.
We’ve all suffered. What we’ve been through is a terrible thing. And I’m glad it is ending. I’m glad we now have the chance to get back to living, to build the new normal that awaits us.
But I don’t want things to be as they were. I want something more. As we seek to put this awful time in human history behind us, let us not forget what we learned from it. Let us not fall back into old patterns and perspectives. Let’s go beyond status quo.
The pandemic taught us that life is a gift, that the way things are right now is a gift. It showed us that we must live—without delay or excuse. We must make the choice to do those things that matter. We must make the time to go and explore, to see and do and love. Because life can change in an instant.
The pandemic taught us what it means to lose. The people and the opportunities we loved so much were here one day and gone the next. We had. We lost. And we were powerless to stop it. We were confronted by a reality we don’t much like yet must embrace: we are vulnerable.

The last two years also taught us that people are precious. We witnessed the worldwide suffering, the unthinkable toll. We watched as loved ones and strangers suffered.
It caused fear and frustration, yes. But it also brought about compassion. And compassion is good.
So much about this era will be rightfully remembered as negative. It wasn’t a good thing. But it did remind us of good things. It did teach us that we must live with a sense of gratitude for each new day. We must live in humility, aware of our own weakness and limitation. And we simply must value those around us.
As we now plan and take our next amazing trip, may we cherish it like never before. May we remember that every dinner with an ocean view is beautiful. Every cup of coffee on a mountain balcony is delicious. Every stamp in the passport is a treasure. Every moment with that loved one is precious. It’s all a gift.
My advice? Book. Go. See. And love. Remember that everyone you encounter along the way has been through one of the toughest seasons in their life. They too have lost. They too have felt powerless. And the kindness you show them will mean the world.
Travel is back. May we never be the same.
Adam Asher is host and creator of The Edge of Adventure, an award-winning documentary film and podcast that showcase inspiring humanitarian organizations worldwide. He has a passion for travel and for people. Learn more about his work at And join the conversation in his mobile app:
Adam Asher captured the feeling of hope so well!